Contact London Centric

Got a story?

News outlets are nothing without their readers and the people who have stories that need telling.

If you’ve got a story then get in touch by emailing Alternatively, send a WhatsApp to +447760993558 — or simply click the link below.

Everything is treated as being in confidence and anonymous, unless you say otherwise.

Send a WhatsApp to the editor

Are you a freelance journalist with a scoop?

We are only interested in stories that haven’t been told before and include information that is new or revelatory. We want to understand the people and the money that makes London tick. We also want to have fun.

If you are a freelancer with a story that’s exclusive, unusual, or intriguing then we welcome pitches to We are not looking to commission many stories and they will need to feature untold stories to make the cut — but don’t be afraid to pitch. We are interested in scoops, big or small.

London Centric pays appropriate rates according to the level of reporting involved and will settle invoices within a week of publication. We are aware of the strains of freelance journalism and will provide a quick response on whether we want to commission a story or not.