I'm aware there's a lot in this already and some things just couldn't make it for space — but I was amused to realise that mega media company Global, owner of London radio stations Capital and LBC, is also a tenant of one of Mr Asif's — one of his companies bought the freehold of their headquarters on Leicester Square in 2018.

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I've met Aziz at one of his schmoozing, 'awareness raising' events to try and keep the Soho natives happy about the threat to our primary school. When I spoke to him about the real reason for the threatened closure of Soho Parish School ie: fewer children as nobody could afford the rent anymore; the lack of affordable housing hollowing out the West End, he became self-contradictory, clammed up and then palmed me off onto his wife for small talk. He then retreated to his brown-nosing buddies. He's an insecure bully.

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Jim, we’re going to need a separate investigation into the 30-year-old constructing an underground helicopter garage in his Bromley back garden.

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Another top quality investigation. Thank you, London Centric

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Thank YOU for reading - all I ask if it people enjoy it, please spread the word / stick it on WhatsApp / post it on your favourite remaining social network.

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Just shared it to a WhatsApp gc of London film fanatics 👍

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The man looks like an apex spiv, I'm already checking my pockets after seeing his photos. Another fine exposure dear boy, I hope he receives the same treatment virgins do on Rocky Horror nights.

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Enough is never enough for these people.

The Prince of Wales will go; of course it will, because money changes everything, and this latter day-Rackman will never stop.

Culture versus money…in today’s London? Ha! Only one winner here. Unless…

But will enough people fight for what’s right and good? Because I haven’t seen much evidence for that recently.

Thanks for the information…and keep up the good fight!

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Wow - what an excellent article. I used to live in London and know that Cinema well. I wish everyone best wishes in their effort to preserve the iconic venue.

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This is so f up. So this guy is basically the owner of London, the media, and everything, and we cannot do anything against it?

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On the other hand cannot wait to be amused with the psychosis of some right wing libertarians who are now between "suck it up, lefties, no one should pay for your hobbies" and "London is becoming a muslim city thanks to this guy". I saw it happening in Spain as well, the old money vs the new (immigrant) money is an interesting battle to see in places like Madrid.

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As a lifetime member of the PCC, I can only hope that journalism like the above will help in the fight to save this brilliant institution.

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Feb 3Edited

Made his money in Angola 😂 That net worth attribution is pointless too.

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Asif Aziz is something else. The level of corporate whitewashing with Criterion Capital / The Aziz Foundation is unreal. Claims to support the community while actively dismantling some of the last real community spaces in Central London, ignoring campaigns from the YMCA and PCC. If they were honest about their intentions, there’d be a modicum of respect—but this? Pure gaslighting at its finest.

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I just don't know how people this can get away with what they do.

It would be an absolute travesty if the PPC closed. Aside from the BFI, it's the only place you can go and see a few films by the same film maker, especially foreign film makers. They showed a whole load of Tarkovsky films last year.... we were queueing along Lisle street for Stalker.

It's absurd that you can get an empty building listed, but culturally important , working venues, have no such protection.

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Fantastic piece

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Oh he's some Labour politicians in his hands so maybe difficult to expect major crackdown...

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I think there might be a small error regarding the Odeon cinema. Odeon Leicester Square is the one that usually hosts premieres. Odeon West End is the one in the basement of The Londoner hotel (also on Leicester Square)

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Thank you very much for spotting that - the cinema I'm referring to is Odeon Leicester Square that does host the big the premieres.

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